To love and to be loved

Whatever the reason is, you feel that your spouse is different. The "spark" in your marriage has been diminished and the rhythm of your daily life is shifting to feel more conflict-oriented. Small arguments can turn into big blowouts. Interactions are turning unhealthy and dysfunctional. You or your partner shuts down, gets reactive, or passive-aggressive. Maybe you feel easily misunderstood or frequently ignored. Something is not right in your marriage but you are not sure what or why.
John Gottman's research shows that how a couple handles conflict is one of the best predictors of whether their relationship will go the distance. There is no shortage of unhealthy and unloving ways to handle conflicts — which serves to make the initial problem much worse.
A marriage therapist can be helpful to any couple relationship, whether you are seeking improved intimacy and understanding, or considering separation. You will gain tools to address the unhealthy patterns, manage conflicts, set goals, listen, love, and respect each other.
Common issues in couples seeking therapy:
communication, anger or resentment, parenting, family of origin, sex/intimacy, infidelity, infertility, divorce, grief/loss, depression, anxiety, neurodiversity, chronic illness, blended family, in-laws or extended family, addiction, codependency, cross-cultural, and life transitions.
First session:
Please schedule 1.5 hours for the first session to allow time to set goals and experience the counseling process. The recurring session is 50-minute.