Pre-marital Counseling
Pre-marital counseling is a well-spent investment, preparing you for a marriage journey that does not only discover the person you will commit your life to, but also discovers yourself. Topics will cover family of origin, communication, expectations, finance, intimacy, conflict resolution, personality style, and spiritual compatibility. I also offer pre-marital counseling for 2nd marriage or blended families.
Pre-marital counseling package:
Eight 50-minute sessions (the last session takes place after the wedding)($220 per session)
A comprehensive assessment report and workbooks (extra $50)
Dating or Pre-marital group counseling:
2 to 4 couples meeting at the same time on a regular basis
A total of 8 sessions
Group lasts for 1.5 hours per session
Please ask for group therapy rate, schedule, and availability
You may form your own group